“i’m natsunogogo. i was born in independence day. i live in japan tokyo. blood type is A. special ability is poetry, free kick, getaway. fav food/drink is ginger ale dry, light coke, pizza, okonomiyaki. fav town is harajuku, kichijoji, tachikawa. fav shop is x-girl, olive des olive, cospa. fav book is sonnet, rumor, 14, a ruth boy, family hunting. fav magazine is fruits, coke york. fav movie is virgin suicides, all of lily chou chou, hi fidelity, the crash, magnolia, funny game. fav music is pop step, sample core, crash disco, happy hardcore, breakcore.
the life is adventure! a result is right. run through the life!”
To listen, click below:
Mochipet – Moguera (Natsunogogo Remix)
For more information on Natsunogogo, follow: http://www.myspace.com/natsunogogo
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